
Taichi’s profiler can help you analyze the run-time cost of your program. There are two profiling systems in Taichi: ScopedProfiler and KernelProfiler.


  1. ScopedProfiler measures time spent on the host tasks hierarchically.
  2. This profiler is automatically on. To show its results, call ti.print_profile_info(). For example:
import taichi as ti

var = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=1)

def compute():
    var[0] = 1.0
    print("Setting var[0] =", var[0])


ti.print_profile_info() prints profiling results in a hierarchical format.


ScopedProfiler is a C++ class in the core of Taichi. It is not exposed to Python users.


  1. KernelProfiler records the costs of Taichi kernels on devices. To enable this profiler, set kernel_profiler=True in ti.init.
  2. Call ti.kernel_profiler_print() to show the kernel profiling result. For example:
import taichi as ti

ti.init(ti.cpu, kernel_profiler=True)
var = ti.var(ti.f32, shape=1)

def compute():
    var[0] = 1.0


The outputs would be:

[ 22.73%] jit_evaluator_0_kernel_0_serial             min   0.001 ms   avg   0.001 ms   max   0.001 ms   total   0.000 s [      1x]
[  0.00%] jit_evaluator_1_kernel_1_serial             min   0.000 ms   avg   0.000 ms   max   0.000 ms   total   0.000 s [      1x]
[ 77.27%] compute_c4_0_kernel_2_serial                min   0.004 ms   avg   0.004 ms   max   0.004 ms   total   0.000 s [      1x]