
Debugging a parallel program is not easy, so Taichi provides builtin utilities that could hopefully help you debug your Taichi program.

Run-time print in kernels

print(arg1, ..., sep=' ', end='n')

Debug your program with print() in Taichi-scope. For example:

def inside_taichi_scope():
    x = 233
    print('hello', x)
    #=> hello 233

    print('hello', x * 2 + 200)
    #=> hello 666

    print('hello', x, sep='')
    #=> hello233

    print('hello', x, sep='', end='')
    print('world', x, sep='')
    #=> hello233world233

    m = ti.Matrix([[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]])
    print('m =', m)
    #=> m = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]

    v = ti.Vector([3, 4])
    print('v =', v)
    #=> v = [3, 4]

For now, Taichi-scope print supports string, scalar, vector, and matrix expressions as arguments. print in Taichi-scope may be a little different from print in Python-scope. Please see details below.


For the CPU and CUDA backend, print will not work in Graphical Python Shells including IDLE and Jupyter notebook. This is because these backends print the outputs to the console instead of the GUI. Use the OpenGL or Metal backend if you wish to use print in IDLE / Jupyter.


For the CUDA backend, the printed result will not show up until ti.sync() is called:

import taichi as ti

def kern():
    print('inside kernel')

print('before kernel')
print('after kernel')
print('after sync')


before kernel
after kernel
inside kernel
after sync

Note that host access or program end will also implicitly invoke ti.sync().


Note that print in Taichi-scope can only receive comma-separated parameter. Neither f-string nor formatted string should be used. For example:

import taichi as ti
a = ti.var(ti.f32, 4)

def foo():
    a[0] = 1.0
    print('a[0] = ', a[0]) # right
    print(f'a[0] = {a[0]}') # wrong, f-string is not supported
    print("a[0] = %f" % a[0]) # wrong, formatted string is not supported


Compile-time ti.static_print

Sometimes it is useful to print Python-scope objects and constants like data types or SNodes in Taichi-scope. So, similar to ti.static we provide ti.static_print to print compile-time constants. It is similar to Python-scope print.

x = ti.var(ti.f32, (2, 3))
y = 1

def inside_taichi_scope():
    # => 1
    # => (2, 3)
    # => DataType.float32
    for i in range(4):
            # => DataType.int32
            # will only print once

Unlike print, ti.static_print will only print the expression once at compile-time, and therefore it has no runtime cost.

Runtime assert in kernel

Programmers may use assert statements in Taichi-scope. When the assertion condition failed, a RuntimeError will be raised to indicate the error.

To make assert work, first make sure you are using the CPU backend. For performance reason, assert only works when debug mode is on, For example:

ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, debug=True)

x = ti.var(ti.f32, 128)

def do_sqrt_all():
    for i in x:
        assert x[i] >= 0
        x[i] = ti.sqrt(x)

When you are done with debugging, simply set debug=False. Now assert will be ignored and there will be no runtime overhead.

Compile-time ti.static_assert

ti.static_assert(cond, msg=None)

Like ti.static_print, we also provide a static version of assert: ti.static_assert. It can be useful to make assertions on data types, dimensionality, and shapes. It works whether debug=True is specified or not. When an assertion fails, it will raise an AssertionError, just like a Python-scope assert.

For example:

def copy(dst: ti.template(), src: ti.template()):
    ti.static_assert(dst.shape == src.shape, "copy() needs src and dst tensors to be same shape")
    for I in ti.grouped(src):
        dst[I] = src[I]
    return x % 2 == 1

Pretty Taichi-scope traceback

As we all know, Python provides a useful stack traceback system, which could help you locate the issue easily. But sometimes stack tracebacks from Taichi-scope could be extremely complicated and hard to read. For example:

import taichi as ti

def func3():
    ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)

def func2():

def func1():

def func0():


Running this code, of course, will result in an AssertionError:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "misc/", line 20, in <module>
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 559, in wrapped
    return primal(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 488, in __call__
    self.materialize(key=key, args=args, arg_features=arg_features)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 367, in materialize
    taichi_kernel = taichi_kernel.define(taichi_ast_generator)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 364, in taichi_ast_generator
  File "misc/", line 18, in func0
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 39, in decorated
    return fun.__call__(*args)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 79, in __call__
    ret = self.compiled(*args)
  File "misc/", line 14, in func1
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 39, in decorated
    return fun.__call__(*args)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 79, in __call__
    ret = self.compiled(*args)
  File "misc/", line 10, in func2
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 39, in decorated
    return fun.__call__(*args)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 79, in __call__
    ret = self.compiled(*args)
  File "misc/", line 6, in func3
    ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 14, in wrapped
    return foo(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/root/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 252, in static_assert
    assert cond

You may already feel brain fried by the annoying decorated’s and __call__’s. These are the Taichi internal stack frames. They have almost no benefit for end-users but make the traceback hard to read.

For this purpose, we may want to use ti.init(excepthook=True), which hooks on the exception handler, and make the stack traceback from Taichi-scope easier to read and intuitive. e.g.:

import taichi as ti
ti.init(excepthook=True)  # just add this option!


And the result will be:

========== Taichi Stack Traceback ==========
In <module>() at misc/
def func0():

func0()  <--
In func0() at misc/

def func0():
    func1()  <--

In func1() at misc/

def func1():
    func2()  <--

In func2() at misc/
    ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)

def func2():
    func3()  <--

In func3() at misc/

def func3():
    ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)  <--


See? Our exception hook has removed some useless Taichi internal frames from traceback. What’s more, although not visible in the doc, the output is colorful!


For IPython / Jupyter notebook users, the IPython stack traceback hook will be overriden by the Taichi one when ti.enable_excepthook().

Debugging Tips

Debugging a Taichi program can be hard even with the builtin tools above. Here we showcase some common bugs that one may encounter in a Taichi program.

Static type system

Python code in Taichi-scope is translated into a statically typed language for high performance. This means code in Taichi-scope can have a different behavior compared with that in Python-scope, especially when it comes to types.

The type of a variable is simply determined at its initialization and never changes later.

Although Taichi’s static type system provides better performance, it may lead to bugs if programmers carelessly used the wrong types. For example,

def buggy():
    ret = 0  # 0 is an integer, so `ret` is typed as int32
    for i in range(3):
        ret += 0.1 * i  # i32 += f32, the result is still stored in int32!
    print(ret)  # will show 0


The code above shows a common bug due to Taichi’s static type system. The Taichi compiler should show a warning like:

[W 06/27/20 21:43:51.853] [type_check.cpp:visit@66] [$19] Atomic add (float32 to int32) may lose precision.

This means that Taichi cannot store a float32 result precisely to int32. The solution is to initialize ret as a float-point value:

def not_buggy():
    ret = 0.0  # 0 is a floating point number, so `ret` is typed as float32
    for i in range(3):
        ret += 0.1 * i  # f32 += f32. OK!
    print(ret)  # will show 0.6


Advanced Optimization

Taichi has an advanced optimization engine to make your Taichi kernel to be as fast as it could. But like what gcc -O3 does, advanced optimization may occasionally lead to bugs as it tries too hard. This includes runtime errors such as:

`RuntimeError: [verify.cpp:basic_verify@40] stmt 8 cannot have operand 7.`

You may use ti.init(advance_optimization=False) to turn off advanced optimization and see if the issue still exists:

import taichi as ti



Whether or not turning off optimization fixes the issue, please feel free to report this bug on GitHub. Thank you!