

Kernel arguments must be type-hinted. Kernels can have at most 8 parameters, e.g.,

def print_xy(x: ti.i32, y: ti.f32):
    print(x + y)

A kernel can have a scalar return value. If a kernel has a return value, it must be type-hinted. The return value will be automatically cast into the hinted type. e.g.,

def add_xy(x: ti.f32, y: ti.f32) -> ti.i32:
    return x + y  # same as: ti.cast(x + y, ti.i32)

res = add_xy(2.3, 1.1)
print(res)  # 3, since return type is ti.i32


For now, we only support one scalar as return value. Returning ti.Matrix or ti.Vector is not supported. Python-style tuple return is not supported either. For example:

def bad_kernel() -> ti.Matrix:
    return ti.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])  # Error

def bad_kernel() -> (ti.i32, ti.f32):
    x = 1
    y = 0.5
    return x, y  # Error

We also support template arguments (see Template metaprogramming) and external array arguments (see Interacting with external arrays) in Taichi kernels.


When using differentiable programming, there are a few more constraints on kernel structures. See the Kernel Simplicity Rule in Differentiable programming (WIP).

Also, please do not use kernel return values in differentiable programming, since the return value will not be tracked by automatic differentiation. Instead, store the result into a global variable (e.g. loss[None]).


Use @ti.func to decorate your Taichi functions. These functions are callable only in Taichi-scope. Do not call them in Python-scopes.

def laplacian(t, i, j):
    return inv_dx2 * (
        -4 * p[t, i, j] + p[t, i, j - 1] + p[t, i, j + 1] + p[t, i + 1, j] +
        p[t, i - 1, j])

def fdtd(t: ti.i32):
    for i in range(n_grid): # Parallelized
        for j in range(n_grid): # Serial loops in each parallel threads
            laplacian_p = laplacian(t - 2, i, j)
            laplacian_q = laplacian(t - 1, i, j)
            p[t, i, j] = 2 * p[t - 1, i, j] + (
                c * c * dt * dt + c * alpha * dt) * laplacian_q - p[
                           t - 2, i, j] - c * alpha * dt * laplacian_p


Functions with multiple return statements are not supported for now. Use a local variable to store the results, so that you end up with only one return statement:

# Bad function - two return statements
def safe_sqrt(x):
  if x >= 0:
    return ti.sqrt(x)
    return 0.0

# Good function - single return statement
def safe_sqrt(x):
  rst = 0.0
  if x >= 0:
    rst = ti.sqrt(x)
    rst = 0.0
  return rst


Currently, all functions are force-inlined. Therefore, no recursion is allowed.


Function arguments are passed by value.


Unlike functions, kernels do not support vectors or matrices as arguments:

def sdf(u):  # functions support matrices and vectors as arguments. No type-hints needed.
    return u.norm() - 1

def render(d_x: ti.f32, d_y: ti.f32):  # kernels do not support vector/matrix arguments yet. We have to use a workaround.
    d = ti.Vector([d_x, d_y])
    p = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0])
    t = sdf(p)
    p += d * t

Scalar arithmetics

Supported scalar functions:

ti.atan2(x, y)
ti.cast(x, data_type)
max(x, y)
min(x, y)
pow(x, y)


Python 3 distinguishes / (true division) and // (floor division). For example, 1.0 / 2.0 = 0.5, 1 / 2 = 0.5, 1 // 2 = 0, 4.2 // 2 = 2. Taichi follows this design:

  • true divisions on integral types will first cast their operands to the default float point type.
  • floor divisions on float-point types will first cast their operands to the default integer type.

To avoid such implicit casting, you can manually cast your operands to desired types, using ti.cast. See 默认精度 for more details on default numerical types.


When these scalar functions are applied on Matrices and 向量, they are applied in an element-wise manner. For example:

B = ti.Matrix([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
C = ti.Matrix([[3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]])

A = ti.sin(B)
# is equivalent to
for i in ti.static(range(2)):
    for j in ti.static(range(3)):
        A[i, j] = ti.sin(B[i, j])

A = ti.pow(B, 2)
# is equivalent to
for i in ti.static(range(2)):
    for j in ti.static(range(3)):
        A[i, j] = ti.pow(B[i, j], 2)

A = ti.pow(B, C)
# is equivalent to
for i in ti.static(range(2)):
    for j in ti.static(range(3)):
        A[i, j] = ti.pow(B[i, j], C[i, j])

A += 2
# is equivalent to
for i in ti.static(range(2)):
    for j in ti.static(range(3)):
        A[i, j] += 2

A += B
# is equivalent to
for i in ti.static(range(2)):
    for j in ti.static(range(3)):
        A[i, j] += B[i, j]